Invention | Inventor |
Age of the Earth | C.C. Patterson |
Airplane | Wright Brothers (Orville and Wilbur) |
Analytical Engine | Thomas Edison |
Apple Computers | Steve Jobs |
Atomic Number | Mosley |
Automobile | Ferdinand Verbiest |
Barometer | Evangelista Torricelli |
Battery | Alessandro Volta |
Blood Groups | Karl Landsteiner |
Bohr | Electron Theory |
Boyle | Boyle’s Law |
Camera | Steven Sasson |
Celluloid | Alexander Parkes |
Cinematography | Edison |
Computer Architecture | John Von Neumann |
Cosmic Rays | R.A. Millikan |
Dalton | Atomic Theory |
Diesel Engine | Rudolf Diesel |
Dynamite | Alfred Nobel |
Electric Light Bulb | Thomas Edison |
Electricity | Benjamin Franklin |
Electromagnetic Field | James Clerk Maxwell |
Electromagnetic Theory | Heinrich Hertz |
Electron | J.J. Thomson |
Shiva Ayyadurai | |
Mark Zuckerberg | |
First Computer | John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert |
Fuel Cell | William Robert Glove |
Geometry | Euclid |
Larry Page | |
Guitar | Adolph Rickenbacker |
Helicopter | Broquet |
Heliocentric Model | Nicolaus Copernicus |
Heliocentrism | Aristarchus of Samos |
Hydrogen Bomb | Edward Teller |
Insulin | Frederick Banting |
Internet | Vint Cerf |
IP Address | Robert E. Kahn |
Laser Printer | Gary Starkweather |
Law of Conservation of Mass | Antoine Lavoisier |
Law of Gases | Gay Lussac |
Law of Motion & Gravitation | Newton |
Laws of Electrical Resistance | Ohm |
Lift | Otis |
Light Emission Diode | Nick Holonyak and Oleg Losev |
Logarithms | John Napier |
Magnetic Tape | Fritz Pfluemer |
Micro Processor | Federico Faggin |
Micro Scope | Zacharias Janssen |
Microsoft | Bill Gates and Paul Allen |
Microwave Oven | Percy Spencer |
Mobile Phone | Martin Cooper |
Motion of Planets | Johannes Kepler |
Mozilla | Dave Hyatt and Blake Ross |
Newtons Law of Motion | Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton |
Nuclear Reactor | Enrico Fermi |
Penicillin | Sir Alexander Fleming |
Periodic law | Mendeleef |
Periodic Table | Dmitri Mendeleev |
Photon | Albert Einstein |
Principle of relativity | Galileo Galilei |
Printing Press | Johannes Gutenberg |
Quantum Mechanics | Max Born |
Quantum Theory | Max Plank, Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein |
Radio | Marconi |
Radium | Marie Curie |
Raman Effect | Sir C.V. Raman |
Steam Engine | James Watt |
Stethoscope | Rane Laennec |
Structure of Atom | Ernest Rutherford |
Telegraph | Pavel Schilling |
Telephone | Alexander Graham Bell |
Telescope | Galileo |
Television | J.L. Baird |
Theory of Atom | John Dalton |
Theory of Evolution | Charles Darwin |
Theory of Relativity | Albert Einstein |
Thermo Flask | Dewar |
Thermometer | Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit |
Transformer | Otto Blathy |
Transformer and Electric Motor | Michael Faraday |
Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, and Biz Stone | |
Venn Diagram | John Venn |
Video Games | Ralph H. Baer |
Vierner Scale | Pierre Vernier |
World Wide Web (WWW) | Sir Tim Berners- Lee |
X-rays | Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen |
List of Famous Inventions and their Inventors
Posted on: 7/26/2017 12:10:00 PM
By: Team
Science & Technology